Download The Family Next Door [PDF] By Sally Hepworth

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The Family Next Door book pdf download for free or read online, also The Family Next Door pdf was written by Sally Hepworth.

BookThe Family Next DoorAuthorSally HepworthLanguageEnglishSize1.7 MBPages344CategoryNovels

The Family Next Door Book PDF download for free

Perfect little towns often hold the deepest secrets.

From the outside, Essie’s life seems idyllic: a loving husband, a beautiful home in a good neighborhood, and a close mother who loves her grandchildren. But few of Essie’s friends know of her secret shame: that she once walked away from her newborn, who was sleeping in her carriage in a park, in a moment of maternal despair. Disaster was averted and Essie got better, but she still fears what lurks inside, even as her daughter grows up with a second baby.

When a new woman named Isabelle moves in next to Essie, she immediately becomes an object of curiosity in the neighborhood. Why single when everyone else is married and has kids? Why rent when everyone is an owner? What mysterious job does she have? And why is she so intrigued by Essie? As the two women grow closer and Essie’s friends express their disapproval, it begins to become clear that Isabelle’s choice of neighborhood was no coincidence. And that his presence threatens to reveal shocking secrets.

The Family Next Door is Sally Hepworth at her best: a deeply moving portrait of family drama and a gripping suburban mystery that will keep you hooked to the last page.

The Family Next Door Book Pdf Download

Sally Hepworth’s The Family Next Door.

Such a perfect neighborhood, perfect families, perfect lives. Although Essie ruined that look when she left her newborn daughter in the park during postpartum depression and went home three years ago. But the baby was fine and Essie was treated for her postpartum depression and is doing very well now with her second baby. However, her husband Ben and mother Barbara (who now lives next door) are watching her like a hawk.

Ange is the star when it comes to the perfection. She’s married to the gorgeous and outgoing Lucas, and Ange is groomed and lightly botoxed in a way that deserves such a hunk. She is also a successful real estate agent and mother of two, someone who is always on the ball, and her success allows her husband to look after the children while he works part-time in his photography studio.

Fran shows what it’s like when you have a three year old and a newborn. Her husband Nigel is just as involved as Ben with the children, but she doesn’t need a mother to help her. In fact, Fran has the time and energy to run two or three times a day, but it seems like she’s really running away from herself. But who can blame her when she’s handling motherhood so well. For some reason he doesn’t want Nigel to touch his newborn any more than is absolutely necessary.

Barb is the perfect “mom next door”. She’s never late, she spends most of her time with Essie and her family, and there’s never a chance her daughter will fall if she’s there to support her every step of the way. She loves children so this neighborhood is perfect for her.

Into the lives of these women comes Isabelle, a single woman, single and childless… what does she do to move into a family-oriented neighborhood like this?

Everyone’s secrets will soon emerge from the shadows they’ve been hiding in. I like how men are portrayed as good fathers and good husbands while we discover that women have their doubts, fears and suspicions. and guilt. Life isn’t really cliffhanger after cliffhanger like this book, but it’s fun to lose yourself in the weirdness going on in this story. My god, what is the rest of this neighborhood hiding behind its walls? We don’t know, but these five women amaze me.

Pleasant Court in Melbourne, Australia sounds like a nice place to live… doesn’t it? This is another book that asks the question, “How well do you know someone?” You live with a person, you share their bed, you share meals with them, you raise children with them, you know them right??? Good and you?

Ahhhhh, small towns. Beautiful picturesque places. You should be safe. Nothing bad ever happens there. How can you? Bad things don’t happen when things are so beautiful, right? What a joy to live in such a community where you really know your neighbors and your neighbors know you. A place where you can meet to watch the neighborhood or just chat about your day over a cup of tea or a glass of wine. A place to smile and wave and believe that everything is fine, everything will be fine, everything should be fine… but what happens when it isn’t?

Have you ever met someone who seems to have their shit okay? Seriously, he/she is the one who looks great, smells great, is healthy, always smiles, is always on time, never seems to have a bad day and you envy him/her…because life is hard and he/she she makes it seem easy. . Well, as the saying goes, you never know what happens behind closed doors. What drives someone to overexert themselves, what drives someone to always smile even though their heart is breaking, to act like they’re soaked even though they’re hiding a HUGE secret?

Every family and person in this book has something to hide.

Ange does sports and has her hair and nails done. She wants to look really good for her handsome husband. He’s a handsome man and women are all over him. Ange wants, no, she has to look good for him…

Essie one time took her daughter to the park and left her there. Her husband and mother are watching her closely to make sure she is “okay”. Her mother Barbara helps her a lot because she had postpartum depression. He even reached out to Essie for help. A mother’s work is never done…

Fran runs all the time. She feels uncomfortable several times a day when her husband is left alone with their youngest daughter. Why? She doesn’t seem to care if he’s with the older one. Your marriage seems fine, so what’s your problem?

Isabelle is a single woman who just moved into the neighborhood. Single and childless, she attracts attention and everyone marvels at her. But Isabelle also wonders about those in her neighborhood. She watches them and makes their observations.

Behind closed doors, it quickly becomes clear that all is not as it seems. The characters have their secrets, and as the book unfolds, their secrets come to light. We see some of them coming and there was a surprise!

That was really nice reading. It’s fun, the action moves at a nice, fast pace, and nothing feels rushed or drawn out. I felt the revelations came at the right time. I liked how the story was told from multiple women’s perspectives. This is a great way to see what motivates them, what’s going on behind that smile, and a glimpse of their personal feelings and emotions. We learn their secrets and the secrets of others in their lives.

I’ve read a few Sally Hepwoth books (The Things We Keep, Mother’s Promise) and I loved them! This is another wonderful book from her. So far he has not disappointed me and I will continue to be a happy reader of his work.

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