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Elementals Academy

Elementals Academy: The Discovery of Magic Summary

Welcome to Elementals Academy, where magic is the only hope of survival, forbidden romance beckons, and an ancient secret threatens to end it all.

Summer Donovan thinks paying her way through her expensive private college is her biggest problem.

She’s about to find out how wrong she is.

Because when the president of the most exclusive sorority on campus goes off the rails and bullies her, Summer defends herself with something she never knew she had.


It turns out she’s a witch. But that’s only the start of the surprises in store for her.

Soon after her magical breakthrough, Summer learns she’s destined to attend Elementals Academy—an exclusive school dedicated to witches descended from the Greek gods.

At Elementals Academy, Summer finally finds the thing she’s wanted her whole life: a place where she fits in. Although that doesn’t last long, thanks to her magic not working the way it’s supposed to, and no one knowing why.

But her biggest challenge isn’t schoolwork. Or magic. It’s Zane Caldwell—the iciest, most attractive, and most mysterious student at the school. Despite the way Zane’s warm to her one minute and cold the next, Summer feels an irresistible draw to him.

While struggling to understand her feelings for Zane, Summer soon discovers she has another problem—one far more dangerous. There are secrets lurking within the hallowed halls of Elementals Academy, and she may hold the key to unraveling them. If she can survive long enough… and figure out who to trust.

About the Author

Michelle Madow is a USA Today bestselling author of fast-paced, young adult fantasy novels that will leave you turning the pages wanting more! Her books are full of magic, adventure, romance, and twists you’ll never see coming.

Michelle grew up in Maryland and now lives in Florida. She’s loved reading for as long as she can remember. She wrote her first book in her junior year of college and hasn’t stopped writing since! She also loves traveling and has been to all seven continents. Someday, she hopes to travel the world for a year on a cruise ship.

Elementals Academy: The Discovery of Magic Introduction

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Come have dinner with us in the dining hall!

The text from one of my friends buzzed on my phone.

Who’s that?” my best friend Lara asked.

One of the girls from my book club,” I said. “Inviting me to dinner in the dining hall.

Oh,” Lara said, since we both knew what my answer had to be.

Just like me, Lara was a scholarship student. And since living in the dorms was expensive, it worked out perfectly for us to rent an apartment together.

It was far cheaper than living on campus. But it also had its downsides.

Already had dinner, I replied. Can’t wait to see you at book club next week!

I frowned, then pressed send.

Because by the time I got in my car and drove to campus, they would have already finished their meal.

The truth was that I hadn’t had dinner yet. Lara and I were currently sitting out on our balcony, drinking wine and chatting as we enjoyed the perfect January weather. Because in Florida, summer was the so hot that it feels like you’re drowning in a steam room, season, and winter was the it’s comfortable enough to wear a light sweatshirt and not feel like you’re burning in the fiery pits of Hell, season.

Lara poured herself another glass of the cheap white wine we were drinking, then checked my glass, disappointed to see it was half-full. “Cheers to being the poor kids on campus,” she said, and we both drank to that. “Anyway, what’s going on with the hot senior guy you’re tutoring in English?

“You mean Trent?”


His essays are getting better.” I shrugged. “I might be able to help him get a C for the semester.”

That’s not what I meant.” Lara rolled her eyes. “What’s going on with you and him?

Wait,” I said. “You think I’d actually be interested in Trent? As in, want to date him?

Lara knew me better than that. Preppy, party-boy jocks who were almost failing English and had probably never read a book for fun in their life were about as far from my type as you could get.

It’s not me who thinks it,” she said. “I overheard his girlfriend talking to a friend in the library about it today.


He’d mentioned Courtney a lot last semester. The perfect sorority girl he’d been dating for the past three years.

The one and only president of Kappa Kappa Beta,” she said, and I rolled my eyes.

Those sorority girls took themselves way too seriously.

I’m just a freshman who tutors Trent twice a week,” I said. “I’m surprised Courtney even knows I exist.

“Oh, she knows you exist,” Lara said. “And she thinks you’re after her boyfriend.”

“Well, she has nothing to worry about,” I said. “Trent’s never been anything more than friendly around me.”

Although now that I was thinking about it, he hadn’t mentioned Courtney since school had started back up this semester.

You sure about that?” she asked.

“Yes, I’m sure,” I said. “And I doubt I’m his type.”

“You underestimate how hot you are,” Lara said. “You’re any guy’s type. At least, any guy who isn’t blind.”

“They sure have a funny way of showing it.”

Sure, I noticed guys checking me out sometimes. But none of them had ever gotten to the point where they wanted to talk to me, let alone get to know me.

Because you’re intimidating,” she said, and then she placed her wine glass down on the arm of her chair and dramatically continued. “Shiny black hair that shampoo models would kill for, perfect skin, and green eyes that I still don’t believe aren’t color contacts, even though we’ve known each other since we were eleven.

Or they just see me as that weird girl who likes books more than people, and then they move on to someone more fun.

You’re fun!” she said. “Anyone who doesn’t think so clearly doesn’t know the real you.

You’re the only person who knows thereal me,’” I muttered, since this was far from the first time we’d had this conversation. “And my mom. But I don’t think she counts.

It’s because you don’t let your guard down,” she said. “And—like I said—you’re intimidating.

“Not to you.”

Only because the first time we spoke, you asked me what my Harry Potter house was,” she said, and she lifted her feet to rest them on the balcony, picking her wine glass back up and leaning back into her chair. “Before then, I was definitely intimidated.

“Spoken like a true Ravenclaw,” I said.

Hey.” She smiled and raised her glass. “Ravenclaws are the best.

We clinked our glasses, and I took a sip, looking out over the balcony at our “luxurious” parking lot view.

Suddenly, green, swirling lights with some purple and pinks mixed in exploded in the night sky.

Lights that looked just like the Northern Lights.

In Florida.

I blinked, as if they’d go away, but they were still there.

No way,” Lara said, breathless. “Are those the Northern Lights?

I sucked in a sharp breath as magnetic energy hummed through my body. The wind chimes hanging from the ceiling clanged against each other, going absolutely nuts even though the air was still.

Summer?” Lara asked to get my attention.

I think so,” I said, and then the colorful lights disappeared as quickly as they’d arrived. The wind chimes stopped clanging, too.

But you can only see those in Norway.” She looked to me like I’d have the answer.

And other places in the Arctic.” I picked up my phone and scrolled through social media, reading the posts that were popping up on my feed. “Other people saw it, too.

I’d hope so,” she said. “Otherwise, something seriously freaky would be going on.

We just saw the Northern Lights in Florida,” I said. “Something freaky’s already going on.

She pressed her lips together, deep in thought. “Maybe it has to do with global warming,” she eventually said.

Maybe,” I said, although that explanation didn’t feel right. “Did you feel something strange while we watched them?

“What sort of ‘something strange’?”

“A buzzing feeling. Like electricity traveling through your body?”

No.” She eyed me like I’d lost it. “Did you have too much wine?”

“Half a glass.”

“And when was the last time you ate?”

Hm.” I thought back over my day. I’d spent lunchtime in the library, making flashcards for an Art History test coming up in two days. “I had half a sandwich at lunch.

Not enough,” she said. “And we’re definitely gonna be up all night looking out for more Northern Lights and searching online to figure out what’s going on. We need brain food. Want to order pizza?

Definitely.” I opened the app on my phone, placed our typical order, then looked back up at the sky.

It was just as normal as ever.

Lara was on her phone, tapping frantically.

Find anything?” I asked.

Other than a bunch of crazy theories like aliens descending onto the planet to take over the world?” she said. “No.”

I eyed my phone, which I’d placed down next to me. Maybe I should call my mom. This was the sort of thing she lived for. She’d probably have some mystical theory as crazy as the alien invasion one Lara had found online.

Just as I was thinking about it, my phone rang.

My mom.

I picked it up. “Hey,” I said, bracing myself for whatever was coming.

“I’m assuming you saw it?” she asked.

You mean the Northern Lights in Florida?” It was impossible to keep the sarcasm out of my tone.

Of course that’s what I mean,” she snapped, which took me by surprise, since she was one of the calmest people I knew.

You okay?” I asked.

Something isn’t right,” she said. “I want you to come home.

I can’t come home,” I said, since it was a three-hour drive I didn’t have time to make. “I have a test on Friday.

“Tell your teacher there’s a family emergency.”

I’m not missing the first test of the semester,” I said, although I felt bad, given how frantic she sounded. “I can come home Friday afternoon after I’m done taking the test. Okay?

She said nothing for a few seconds.

Okay,” she said slowly, although she didn’t sound happy about it. “Call me when you leave.

Will do,” I said. “Bye.”

Lara watched me curiously. “What was that about?” she asked after I ended the call.

My mom’s being weird.” I glanced at my phone, feeling more uneasy by the second.

“Your mom’s always weird,” Lara said, since as my best friend since sixth grade, she was the only person on Earth who could say that without being offensive. “But she sounded totally freaked out. Are you really going home on Friday?

I have to,” I said, my mom’s frantic tone running through my mind again. “Hopefully it’ll only be for a night.

Hm,” she said, and then she said the absolute last thing I expected. “Can I come with you?

I waited for her to say she was kidding.

She didn’t.

Are you sure?” I asked. “She’ll probably have us do a meditation circle on the beach to re-align our chakras or something.

“The Northern Lights just happened in Florida, and no one knows why,” she said. “Maybe a chakra re-alignment session will do me some good.”

“I think I’d believe you more if you said you agreed with the people who think we’re being invaded by aliens.”

“Anything’s possible now,” she said. “And whatever your mom wants to do probably beats anything going on around here.”

She sounded casual about it, but from the way she glanced warily out at the parking lot, I had a feeling she didn’t want to be left in the apartment alone.

I’ll ask her. If she says yes, then of course you can come,” I said, and then my stomach growled so loudly that she could hear it.

See?” She pointed at my stomach. “You need to eat. But in the meantime…” She picked up the wine bottle and held it out to me.

“Weren’t you just giving me a hard time about what a lightweight I am on an empty stomach?” I asked.

You’re always a lightweight—empty stomach or not,” she said. “But the sky’s going crazy, and the apocalypse might be near. The least we can do is have another drink.

Fair point,” I said, and then I held out my glass and let her fill it to the top.

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Elementals Academy

Elementals Academy: The Discovery of Magic PDF

Product details:

EditionInternational Edition
Posted onMarch 22, 2022
Page Count312 pages
AuthorMichelle Madow

Elementals Academy The Discovery of Magic PDF Free Download - Epicpdf

Welcome to Elementals Academy, where magic is the only hope of survival, forbidden romance beckons, and an ancient secret threatens to end it all.

URL: https://amzn.to/3qKVSqU

Author: Michelle Madow

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