Download When She Returned [PDF] By Lucinda Berry

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When She Returned book pdf download for free or read online, also When She Returned pdf was written by Lucinda Berry.

Dr. Lucinda Berry is a clinical psychologist and leading researcher in childhood trauma. She now spends her days writing full time, using her clinical background to blur the line between fiction and nonfiction. She likes to take her readers on a journey through the dark abysses of the human psyche. Her work was selected for the film and translated into several languages.

BookWhen She ReturnedAuthorLucinda BerryLanguageEnglishSize1.5 MBPages297CategoryNovels

When She Returned Book PDF download for free

Kate Bennett disappeared from a parking lot 11 years ago, leaving behind her husband and young daughter. When she shows up at a Montana gas station with a child in her arms and screaming for help, investigators suspect she may have been kidnapped by a cult.

Kate’s return turns her family’s world upside down: her husband has remarried and her daughter barely remembers her. Kate herself doesn’t look or act like she used to.

As the family tries to help Kate reintegrate into society, they discover truths about her own relationships that they have been hiding from each other. But they are not the only ones with secrets. As the family investigates what happened to Kate, a series of shocking revelations show that Kate’s return is more terrifying than any of them could have imagined.

When She Returned Book Pdf Download

Eleven years ago, Kate Bennett disappeared from a parking lot, leaving her husband and young daughter behind. She disappeared into the passenger seat with the keys in the ignition and her purse; no sign of a struggle. Now she has returned. And she has a newborn with her. You drive to the hospital to meet her. Where has she been and what has she been doing for the last 11 years? How is it possible that she was alive all this time?

Kate is in a state of severe trauma. She has been isolated from society for years and she has no idea how much time has passed. She suffers from severe dehydration and is severely malnourished. She gave birth 7 weeks ago. She was not treated before or after delivery. She has not received medical or dental care for at least 5 years.

She appears to have been systematically tortured over a long period of time. Her body is covered in burns and scars. She looks so frail and frail. She is easily startled. Communicating with her is difficult considering what she’s been through. She shows all the classic signs of someone who has been indoctrinated and brainwashed.

Her husband (Scott) remarried. He met Meredith in a dueling group. They were friends for years and strictly platonic. Ten months ago, they made it official in court. Meredith has no idea what to do with a traumatized cult survivor who is also her husband’s ex-wife.

Kate has spent the last decade in a cult with an extremely charismatic leader for whom she had very strong feelings. She was punished if she thought for herself or did something that was considered wrong. And she was isolated from all other points of view. But they didn’t take her. She voluntarily left her 5-year-old daughter and her husband. Kate had left voluntarily. She went alone. No one kidnapped her.

Kate and her baby (Shiloh) live with Scott, Meredith and Abbi to provide her with a safe place to go through whatever process she has to go through. Meredith walks into the kitchen around 4 am to find Kate on the phone with someone. Kate denies this even after she is caught in the act. The muffled whisper coming from the kitchen was unmistakable. As they try to help Kate integrate into society, she again betrays her trust and puts Abbi’s life in danger.

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