What Hunts Inside The Shadows book pdf download for free or read online, also What Hunts Inside The Shadows pdf was written by Harper L. Woods.
BookWhat Hunts Inside The ShadowsAuthorHarper L. WoodsLanguageEnglishSize MBPages371CategoryNovel
What Hunts Inside The Shadows Book PDF download for free
I once fell in love with a man who deceived on me.
For weeks she was by my side, turning her words into pretty half-truths. He swept me away with his gentle temptation, leaving no corner of my being untouched. It consumed my mind and body and finally claimed my heart. But Caelum’s true identity is the terrifying enough to bring me to my knees.
So I found out the truth about who he is.
Caldris is whispered in the Nothrek wind. The legend we only speak of quietly in closed rooms for fear of provoking his wrath again. His intentions are a mystery, his desires impure, and he seeks to chain me to his side for eternity. With the Wild Hunt as his guardian, he shows us the place where it all began: the city of Mistfur and the rim where the Veil once shimmered in the wind.
Now another secret lurks that will change everything.
The Mistwatch have sworn to prevent us from crossing Alfheimr and entering Fae Soil, even at the cost of the innocent with their lives. You are tasked with reviving Mistfur’s shimmering barrier, but once again the cost is greater than revealed. Once the people of the Northrek blamed me when the veil fell.
Soon they will want him to pay the price that magic demands.
What Hunts Inside The Shadows Book Pdf Download
What Hunts Inside the Shadows is the second book in the Flesh and Bone series. This is book 2 of a 6 book series and I will be discussing some of the aftermath of the events in book 1 so this is a spoiler free review for this book but do not proceed if you do not wish to be spoilered. Events in Book 1.
The story picks up right where we left off in Book 1: Caelum has just dropped several bombs on Estrella and she is reeling from the betrayal and emotionally raw. She’s not quick to forgive, but neither does she procrastinate unnecessarily or deny her feelings. Estrella’s feelings are complicated, and she’s honest (at least with herself) while figuring out what to do. Her decision becomes even more complicated as the story progresses and she learns more about the Fae and Caelum and sees it for herself.
The story delves deeper into the world and the Fae in particular, and also begins to weave some of the storylines from the first book (like what Bran knew) into a more complex story. Most of the story takes place as they travel to complete Caelum’s quest, so the story progresses at a slower pace, which I enjoyed as I felt fully immersed in the story. The twists and turns in this series have me theorizing about where things will go in the next book and I can’t wait to see if I’m right or wrong.
Estrella and Caelum have a dynamic that’s equal parts emotionally passionate and strategic: they both know exactly how to get others to get the reaction they want, and they don’t hesitate to do so. It creates many great moments where they push the tension between them to the limit and have moments of emotional catharsis. They both have a lot of feelings for each other and those moments when they let it out are incredibly satisfying.
I have really enjoyed the development of their relationship. They really learned to listen to each other and became a great team. The trust between them warmed my heart and I will always love how Caelum honors Estrella’s strength and encourages her to possess her power. To my fellow spice lovers, if you enjoyed the spice in Book 1, you’re going to love what you get here. There’s more of it and it’s even hotter now that the truth is out because it adds so much excitement and passion to their intimacy.
They introduce us to Wild Hunt and I’m intrigued by them! There are also a few more of certain supporting characters that added a lot to the story and I look forward to seeing how they will play into the overall story in the upcoming books.
Harper L. Woods does amazing things and expands the world in this book. We began to learn a lot about magic, then creatures and realms. It follows traditional fairy tale lore much more than many of the other popular fairy tale series. There is so much action in this book and the characters grow and develop.
There are also loads of SMUTs, thanks. Definitely more than the first book and I love how possessive and intense it can be.
I don’t want to draw too many parallels because this world and storyline are unique, but this book made me feel like a kingdom of flesh and fire (which is my favorite FBAA book) – it had the angst and the jokes, travel , seeing the world, meeting new groups of people/beings. And Harper L. Woods does use the language correctly. I feel totally immersed in her world, without any crazy intense medieval language, and she doesn’t try to add modern jargon. For example, I think it’s great how he says that his mother is in a “wheelchair”. We know what you’re talking about, but it feels more appropriate for the book than “wheelchair”.
I LOVE Papa Caelum. He has different roles that he plays and he’s such a big scary guy, but his softness really got me. It has so many sweet and tender moments, much softer than most bad leads in other series.
I don’t want to say too much about Estrella because it could be a spoiler, but her changes and development have been great. I wish he’d gotten over Caelum’s lie from the last book a little sooner, but I can see why he didn’t.
The pace of this book is mostly fast, it never felt boring. I literally couldn’t put it down.
How can I wait all the way to March for Book 3?!?!
Oh! and included activation and content warnings, a glossary of terms, and a hierarchy of gods/fairies at the beginning of the book! HARPER L. WOODS, you are incredible.
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