Download The 1619 Project A New Origin Story [PDF] By Nikole Hannah Jones

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The 1619 Project A New Origin Story book pdf download for free or read online, also The 1619 Project A New Origin Story pdf was written by Nikole Hannah Jones.

BookThe 1619 Project A New Origin StoryAuthorCatharina MauraLanguageEnglishSize5 MBPages624CategoryNovels

The 1619 Project A New Origin Story Book PDF download for free

The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story is a well-researched and well-written eye-opening work that should be a part of every American history curriculum by at least fourth grade, if not earlier.

In her introductory foreword, Nikole Hannah-Jones writes, “I was perhaps fifteen or sixteen when I first encountered the date 1619” and learned that in the 20th century the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia, was purchased by the English colonists.

Unfortunately, and somewhat embarrassingly, I didn’t know that either until The New York Times Magazine first published The 1619 Project in 2019. It was definitely not taught during my Southern California school days in the ’50s and ’60s. In fact, As far as I can remember, Jamestown was not very prominent in my history class, nor was black slavery discussed deeply before the Civil War.

The 1619 Project A New Origin Story Pdf Download

It was then that I learned more about how blacks were treated as plains boys in American history while watching late-night movies like Slave Ship (1937), Pinky (1949), Home Of The Brave (1949), and Edge watching “Of The City”. (1957) on TV when I was at school.

Those same movie nights also taught me that America wasn’t always great and didn’t always live up to its ideals. Bad Day At Black Rock (1955) showed me that the families of two Japanese-American girls I knew from grades one through eight were interned in American concentration camps simply because of their race and denied their rights as citizens. “Northwest Passage” (1940) taught that during the French and Indian Wars (we were British America at the time), the British engaged in biological warfare by giving smallpox-tainted blankets to Native Americans.

American history is littered with injustices against minorities or those who stand in the way of so-called “American progress”: near-genocide against Native Americans; enslavement of blacks; violence against Mormons (Missouri Gov., Lilburn Boggs: “Mormons must be treated as enemies and eradicated or driven from the state”); anti-Irish, anti-Catholic, anti-Chinese, anti-Jewish, Mexican, anti-Muslim, anti-labor, anti-everyone but “us, the true Americans, red-blooded, just, pious.” Yowzah!’”

The ideals expressed in the “Declaration of Independence” and guaranteed by the “United States Constitution” can never be fully realized without American history telling the full story, flaws and all. The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story book is a good first step.

Uncovering our nation’s troubled roots, The 1619 Project challenges us to reflect on America’s state of emergency, which we treat as an unquestionable truth. It asks us to think about who shapes and molds our common national memory and what and above all who is left out.

Ana Lucía Araujo writes in the Slavery in the Age of Memory: “Despite its search for objectivity,” public history is really shaped by the perspectives of the most powerful members of the society. And in the United States, public history has often been “racialized, gendered, and woven into the fabric of white supremacy.” However, it is still presented as a target.

This critique is not meant to imply that this generation of white US citizens is personally responsible for slavery, or to suggest that today’s generation of whites are ALL racists. Instead, this serves as a historical analysis of the legal violence, subjugation, legal discrimination, and terrorism documented in the name of white supremacist ideology. The 1619 Project provides a diagnosis and proposes a cure for the chronic disease of anti-black racism that continues to plague this country through hostile policies and institutions.

The academically written text breaks down American history according to American law, adding statements from various leaders of the country and other relevant documents to support their arguments. Furthermore, Nikole assured Hannah Jones that the data exists to match her argument as further evidence of an ongoing deliberate injustice that has become modern abstractions designed with similar malicious intent.

She and a cast of stellar authors describe the causes and effects of the policies that have transported us to the current moment of racial reckoning in America, when many claimed to be post-racial after the election of Barack Obama.

The very fact that numerous red states have made a concerted effort to ban this book is evidence that voices offering productive solutions that truly seek to lead to a more perfect union are being censored. A union that boasts uncompromisingly about its freedom of expression. Until it’s time to deconstruct what’s behind Make America Great Again.

For whom?
when it was cool
Why was it great?

… are just some of the questions that intertwine mythology and reality for the sake of political objectives. The 1619 Project interrupts that line of thinking by arguing that so much human potential has unduly suffered due to discredited primitive logic that has failed to improve the lot of the country as a whole.

Poems, photographs, and essays are included that argue, humanize, question, and romanticize moments in African-American history. It also includes unrelenting pain, suffering, and mockery, but black Americans continue to believe in the idea of a democracy that will one day be truly fulfilled for all Americans. And it will take a real moment of truth and reconciliation from all of us to get there.

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