Download Resting Witch Face [PDF] By Juliette Cross

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Resting Witch Face book pdf download for free or read online, also Resting Witch Face pdf was written by Juliette Cross.

BookResting Witch FaceAuthorJuliette CrossLanguageEnglishSize1.4 MBPages365CategoryNovel

Resting Witch Face Book PDF download for free

Twelve years ago, Jules Savoie ended her relationship with New Orleans vampire prince Ruben Dubois. For good reason: A woman in power often has to make sacrifices to protect others. She knows the truth to the bottom of her aching heart.

When Ruben sees his best friend Devraj getting married, a painful realization hits him hard… he can’t wait any longer. They say that time heals all wounds. In this case, it simply increased the pain and made a fact very clear. Jules Savoie is her soulmate and nothing would take her from him. No longer.

Forced to work side by side to fight for the werewolf cause, they fight together in covens from New Orleans to London. The re-ignited spark burns hotter than ever. But when a power-hungry vampire turns his predatory gaze on Jules, will their love be strong enough against dark magic? Or will he lose her again? And this time maybe… forever.

Resting Witch Face Book Pdf Download

This book is everything I expected and more.

It was a long wait for Jules and Ruben and it was worth it. From the moment you first read about her, you knew her chemistry would be insane and her storyline would be just as intense.

I couldn’t believe his backstory. I want to say my heart was with both of them. I get it, you’ll get it too, but man, it makes you feel all the emotions.

The book starts with a bam! And let me tell you, you’re like, wow, did that just happen? Ok, yes, that just happened. This is seriously only within the first 5% of the book. From there it gets a lot better.

And let’s say Rubén, I love that side of you in the book. I mean of course he’s a fearless vampire but what he does for Jules one night is like awwwwww because of course he got it right? Your heart just jumps out of your chest. It wasn’t even a case where you constantly see how he feels about her (good and bad).

And Jules, there just comes a time when you’ve fought the good fight, and giving up can be incredibly exciting. Let me tell you, it definitely is in this case. But wow, is she such a seriously strong woman? You’ve seen it in the other books, but you just don’t realize its scope until you read this one.

There are some serious ups and downs that you will encounter. The things the two have to contend with on their journey for the cause are just intense. (SIDE: I love the change they are proposing, I hope you do too!) I couldn’t believe what was happening throughout the process. I seriously held onto my Kindle and freaked out. What they have to overcome, above all inside and out, is madness.

Starting the book before bed might not be the best idea, unless you think sleep is overrated. I definitely did and I have no regrets. The book hangover was worth it.

If you’ve followed the Savoie sisters from the start, you’ll love the story of Jules and Ruben. i know i did it These books just keep getting better.

I loved seeing everyone’s characters in the book, it was amazing to have them in it.

I highly recommend it to anyone who loves an amazing, funny, action-packed, nose-to-nose book.

Oh Ruben and Jules. Their story was/is one we’ve all been waiting for and I have to say they didn’t disappoint. It was insightful, heartbreaking, melty and worth all kinds of swoons. Throw in some gore and gore ~ ​​I mean we’re dealing with vampires ~ and laughter from friends and family and a wacky yet eerily charming villain and we’ve got a great read that left me both satisfied and lustful and The rest left the mood at the same time.

I have loved Jules since the beginning of the series. As an enforcer, she is busy, but she tries to be fair and compassionate whenever possible, even when she doesn’t want to. Her family means everything to her, whether by blood or choice, and she has no problem doing what needs to be done for her happiness. Rubén was initially more intrigued, particularly by how cold his relationship with Jules was. But Ruben has this boyish charm that is extremely intense while also making him adorable in all ways.

Their journey has been a long one and I really enjoyed finding out why they broke up and how over the years they have come to realize that while it hurt both of them, it was a necessary evil for them to grow and become. the people they are today. The chemistry between them was intense as was the truths they had to face with each other and themselves and I’m so happy they finally made it and are together.

This was another great addition to the series. It has its dark and gory moments, but we’re talking about vampires here, so be prepared. There were some twists I didn’t see coming, one was a real WT…?! But I liked how everything turned out in the end. And then there are the Savoie sisters and their husbands, family and friends. I’ve loved hanging out with them and getting to know the new additions to the team in general and I can’t wait for Clara and Henry’s book… although it will be the last I have no doubt it will be loads of fun will do!

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